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Optimise Your Whole-self
One Optimal Breath At A Time
I help people with anxiety, stress, asthma, cancer and many other chronic conditions because I have lived experience of all these and am passionate about easing symptoms and suffering in order to lead a good quality of life no matter what we are going through.
“Of all the techniques that I have investigated for reducing stress and increasing relaxation, it is breathwork that I found to be the most time-efficient, the most cost-efficient, and the one that promotes increased wellness and optimal health.”
Dr Andrew Weil
My name is Louisa and I'm an advanced
Breath-Body-Mind TM Coach,
Buteyko International Clinic International Instructor, yoga nidra teacher and
Professional Hypnotherapist.
I'm here to support you when it's your time to upskill your selfcare methods using a variety of tools, starting with the power of your own breath.

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